KBC bank, Havenlaan, Brussels
22 March 2025
Traditionally, the Belgian Professional Association of Physician-Specialists in Anaesthesia and Resuscitation (BSAR-APSAR) organises its annual members' congress in Brussels .
On 22 March 2025 at 8.30 am, Intersurgical Benelux will be the guests of the KBC bank in their congress venue in the Havenlaan, Brussels.
This year's congress theme is ‘Leadership and Quality in Anaesthesia’ and ‘ Value-based Healthcare’. The scientific programme consists of a number of sessions, which will take place in the main auditorium and be interspersed with coffee breaks and brunch in the exhibition area.
Programme: 08h30 Session 1
09h30 Coffee break
10h00 Session 2
11h00 Brunch
12h00 Session 3
13h00 End of symposium